Lohan Environmental
Tel. 085 856 3873
email: info@lohanenvironmental.ie
Solving onsite waste water issues for the construction and civil sectors
Having trained as a civil engineer and working a stint in both London and Dublin in the earthworks and civil sectors overlapping into demolition an opportunity presented to take up work in NYC in 2007 and I was quickly introduced to the world of fast concrete and very tall buildings. Whilst working on sites I was always fascinated by the potential improvements the construction industry could make towards improving environmental efficiencies and better resource management.
2012 saw me return to Ireland. I used it as an opportunity to steer my career towards the Environmental sector and I started a company called CES Grease traps, selling and servicing grease trap and interceptors. The construction sector is still a customer for our products and we can all see how the environmental impact created on site is becoming a more thought about and regulated aspect of any project. Just as grease and food in discharged water are a major issue to the drainage systems of the food production industry, onsite waste water is equally as big an issue for the construction sector but the equipment used for both sectors is technologically very similar.
Ten years later my company Lohan Environmental is marrying the past and current experiences together and bringing products to the market to solve onsite waste water issues for the construction and civil sectors.
If you would like a demonstration, costing or just further information regarding out concrete washout systems and concrete skip washout frames, I would be delighted to meet up with you at a location and time that suits your schedule.